Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic Dentistry

Aesthetic Dentistry is fast becoming one of the most popular forms of dentistry available today. More individuals than ever before are looking to their dentist to improve their appearance. They realize that embarrassing dental imperfections and ugly stains can be corrected by their dentist.

Cosmetic Dentistry covers a broad range of dental services. It typically involves Appearance Related Dentistry. We offer comprehensive treatment to improve your smile. We work together with specialists and provide all services in our clinic to give you a perfect smile!

Cosmetic Correction Procedures

Tooth Colored Restorations : Tooth colored fillings are known as Composite Resin Dental Fillings. Composite Fillings are made of a plastic dental resin which are tooth coloured, strong, durable, that would perfectly match the shade of your tooth and thereby provide a very natural smile!

Chips/rough spots/cavities/cracks : These can be filled with a tooth-coloured material called composite. The colour of the composite can be chosen so that it matches the color of your teeth.

Uneven teeth : It's not uncommon for a tooth to be slightly longer or have a different shape than its neighbours. With a procedure called recontouring, your dentist can reshape the tooth so that it's a better match.

Gaps between the teeth : Small gaps can be closed by applying composite material between the teeth.

Broken or crooked teeth : Mild chips of enamel or mild alignment corrections can be done with composite fillings.

The full conservative cosmetic dental procedures have greatly enhanced a dentist's ability to give their patients a better smile.

Gum Contouring

Gum Contouring may be required for a ‘ gummy smile’ - excess gum exposure during smile, where the gums cover the top third of the teeth due some erratic eruption of the teeth. In which case the gum contouring is a conservative procedure done by the dentist that would significantly enhance your smile!

Dental Fashion Jwellery

Dental Fashion Jewellery is a brilliant way to add sparkles to your smile and stand out of the crowd!

Along with body art and tattooing, it is tooth jewellery that is making the headway in the fashion industry. If you are an admirer of new fashion trends and this time, if you want to try something different than the usual aesthetics, then you can opt for designing your pearly whites with a jewel or an art piece of your choice. A jewel-studded tooth can drastically change your appearance, enhancing your smile and personality.

A stunning teeth jewellery can highlight your presence in the crowd when you smile. Available in a variety of sizes, patterns, colours and imitations, a Tooth Jewellery can give you a celebrity-like look. This trend, however, is yet to become very popular compared to other cosmetic dental treatments like tooth polishingor dental veneers. But with increasing sense of fashion in the society, there are high chances of dental jewellery becoming more popular than what it is today.

An absolutely painless procedure, a dentist fixes a jewel on the tooth surface. The jewel does not damage tooth tissues and has no side effects – except for the increased charm of your smile! Call it an oral fashion statement to stand out among ordinary mortals or simply an effort to blend in with the bold and the beautiful. You can place a single piece or multiple pieces of tooth jewellery on one or several teeth. The tooth jewellery does not cause any harm to the lip, cheek or gum.

If somebody thinks he or she was better off without tooth jewellery, it can be easily removed without any side effects on the dental tooth structure as the procedure is non-invasive. What's more, tooth jewellery can be fixed again at a later stage.
